Kitchen Herbalism


An Introduction to Herbal Medicine

Saturday 22nd March/ 10am - 4pm

Spring Nutritive tonics

What’s available now for boosting immunity and helping the body stay in balance.

This topic discusses how to source, harvest and prepare these herbs using a range of preparation methods. We will also look at what you can start taking now to help boost your resistance to hayfever and other common allergies.


It all begins with the gut. Here we’ll be looking at a range of complaints from acid indigestion, gas and bloating to IBS and Chron’s and what you can do to help your condition. Optimise your digestion using kitchen herbs and spices.

Stress and Sleep

What herbs can you use to help you cope with the stressful times we are living through.

We’ll discuss which herbs are right for your constitution and why the commonly used St Johns Wort and Valerian aren’t right for every body!

Week 4. Immunity

Prevention and building resilience - Improve immunity and prevent illness by adding those herbs, spices, seaweeds and mushrooms that enhance resilience into your daily life. We’ll be taking a special look at herbs for the respiratory system.

This contains easy recipe suggestions you can try in your own kitchen.